среда, 26 апреля 2017 г.

This is your opportunity to get a 20 bagger in the market very fast

One of my closest buddies, who happens to be a banker, let me in on a little tip earlier on.

There's this really awesome small bio technology firm which has discovered something ground breaking,

and because of this unprecedented discovery they're about to be bought out for a little over 20 times their current value.

One of the most prominent large firms in America is about to make this news public.

When that happens, the small company's stock is going to virtually go up more than twenty three fold overnight.

Let me put this in perspective for you. It means that every 10 thousand bucks you put in this will turn into almost a quarter million when the news is out.

This guy has always been right so far. In fact if you remember, the tip I gave you last year� the one on which you made 15x in 2 weeks was from him. Yes, that's right.

So before I forget, here is the stock symbol.. It's the 1st letter of each of the following words: Quickly Super Mouse Green

I'm giving it to you in �code� in order to avoid potentially prying eyes, in case you are at the office, a cafe or something.

So with the first letter of each of these words, you've got your four letter symbol.

Input this in your online account to buy the stock or call your broker and give it to him and he will make the purchase for you.

One last thing, I don't know if I am the only one who knows this information so it's possible that the price will go up on other people buying,

but nonetheless if you can get in at under a buck twenty, I really recommend you jump on it as soon as physically possible.

Best Wishes,
Gilbert Delaney

This is your opportunity to get a 20 bagger in the market very fast

One of my closest buddies, who happens to be a banker, let me in on a little tip earlier on.

There's this really awesome small bio technology firm which has discovered something ground breaking,

and because of this unprecedented discovery they're about to be bought out for a little over 20 times their current value.

One of the most prominent large firms in America is about to make this news public.

When that happens, the small company's stock is going to virtually go up more than twenty three fold overnight.

Let me put this in perspective for you. It means that every 10 thousand bucks you put in this will turn into almost a quarter million when the news is out.

This guy has always been right so far. In fact if you remember, the tip I gave you last year� the one on which you made 15x in 2 weeks was from him. Yes, that's right.

So before I forget, here is the stock symbol.. It's the 1st letter of each of the following words: Quickly Super Mouse Green

I'm giving it to you in �code� in order to avoid potentially prying eyes, in case you are at the office, a cafe or something.

So with the first letter of each of these words, you've got your four letter symbol.

Input this in your online account to buy the stock or call your broker and give it to him and he will make the purchase for you.

One last thing, I don't know if I am the only one who knows this information so it's possible that the price will go up on other people buying,

but nonetheless if you can get in at under a buck twenty, I really recommend you jump on it as soon as physically possible.

Best Wishes,
Brigitte Hinton

This is your opportunity to get a 20 bagger in the market very fast

One of my closest buddies, who happens to be a banker, let me in on a little tip earlier on.

There's this really awesome small bio technology firm which has discovered something ground breaking,

and because of this unprecedented discovery they're about to be bought out for a little over 20 times their current value.

One of the most prominent large firms in America is about to make this news public.

When that happens, the small company's stock is going to virtually go up more than twenty three fold overnight.

Let me put this in perspective for you. It means that every 10 thousand bucks you put in this will turn into almost a quarter million when the news is out.

This guy has always been right so far. In fact if you remember, the tip I gave you last year� the one on which you made 15x in 2 weeks was from him. Yes, that's right.

So before I forget, here is the stock symbol.. It's the 1st letter of each of the following words: Quickly Super Mouse Green

I'm giving it to you in �code� in order to avoid potentially prying eyes, in case you are at the office, a cafe or something.

So with the first letter of each of these words, you've got your four letter symbol.

Input this in your online account to buy the stock or call your broker and give it to him and he will make the purchase for you.

One last thing, I don't know if I am the only one who knows this information so it's possible that the price will go up on other people buying,

but nonetheless if you can get in at under a buck twenty, I really recommend you jump on it as soon as physically possible.

Best Wishes,
Kelley Franklin

Your chance to make an amazing move is quickly slipping away

There is reason for excitement. A good friend of mine who works at a high place which I will not name told me about a crazy opportunity...

There is an acquisition about to be completed by a very large company.

They're buying out a small medical firm at more than 20 times what it's currently trading at.

This means that every ten thousand bucks you put in will turn into two hundred grand the moment the announcement becomes public.

The symbol for this company is the first letter of each of the following words: Quick, Should, Must, Get.

These 4 letters are what you must type in to your brokerage account or tell your broker in order to get the shares.

I really, really recommend you move on it quickly because the announcement will become public at any day now and this may be your last chance to get in before it's too late.

Best Wishes,
Jeanine Maldonado

вторник, 25 апреля 2017 г.

This company's being acquired tomorrow

Its share price is going through the stratosphere.

The cat might be out of the bag now but there is still a massive opportunity to benefit.

I say that the secret is out because the stock price has gone up two days in a row but the reality is that it must be very few people who know information otherwise it would've gone ten times higher.

In case you missed my message yesterday, here is what is happening.. A big pharma corp is acquiring a minuscule public co and this is happening at a price that is 20 times greater than where it currently is.

This means that if you can put 10 thousand in right now, you will take out 200 grand by Thursday morning.

This info is solid. It comes from an attorney who's a long time friend of mine and who literally saw the acquisition documents with his own eyes.

You must be wondering what the company's trading symbol is, and I will not tease you any longer� it's Q like in Quality, S like in Straight, M like Mary and G like Gold

These four letters together make up the company's ticker and that's what you will need to give to your broker, or type into your online account to purchase the stock.

I highly recommend you do this as quickly as possible because there is no guarantee that the price will remain this low much longer.

I expect it'll continue to rise and rise as the insider information spreads. Nonetheless the potential to benefit is absolutely gigantic here.

Best Regards,
Nathaniel Spence

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Проведение праздника или аренда клуба от компании ViRusGame
2800 руб. - 50% = 
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690 руб.   
Фотопечать на холсте
350руб. - 50% = 175 руб.   
24400руб. - 37% = 15372 руб.   
Кейс с носками
1510руб. - 50% = 755 руб.   
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Скидка 50% за 
70 руб.   
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5000 руб. - 95% = 
250 руб.   
Кеды на выбор
4950руб. - 83% = 841 руб.   
Печать фотокниги
1390руб. - 50% = 695 руб.   
Пояс для похудения
999руб. - 66% = 339 руб.   
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4990 руб. - 93% = 
349 руб.   
Одеяла и подушки
3100руб. - 82% = 558 руб.   
Посуда из хрусталя
1720руб. - 76% = 412 руб.   
Надувной диван-гамак
1990руб. - 63% = 736 руб.   
Конный поход на выбор для одного или двоих от клуба «Альфа»
5000 руб. - 60% = 
2000 руб.   
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400 руб. - 60% = 
160 руб.   
Подарочный кейс носков
1300руб. - 50% = 650 руб.   
3040руб. - 54% = 1398 руб.   
Набор для Shellac
540руб. - 55% = 243 руб.   
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The Room Boutique Hotel
11100руб. - 60% = 4440 руб.   
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2000 руб. - 71% = 
580 руб.   
Курс обучения для детей или взрослых в школе моделей MyModels
2200 руб. - 65% = 
770 руб.   
Санаторий «Славутич»
3560руб. - 50% = 1780 руб.   
Термальный комплекс
6000руб. - 50% = 3000 руб.   
База отдыха «Рыбинка»
5000руб. - 50% = 2500 руб.   
Cтрижка, мелирование, ламинирование и другие услуги в салоне «Тет-а-тет»
1100 руб. - 78% = 
242 руб.   
Участие в квесте «Пролетая над гнездом кукушки» от квест-рума Lost
2500 руб. - 50% = 
1250 руб.   
Отель SK Royal
5500руб. - 50% = 2750 руб.   
Отель «Астерия»
4700руб. - 55% = 2115 руб.   
ЗК «Велес»
5400руб. - 46% = 2916 руб.   
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2400 руб. - 60% = 
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Покраска детали автомобиля на выбор или полировка в автоцентре S-Car
2500 руб. - 65% = 
875 руб.   
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700 руб. - 67% = 
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