понедельник, 2 марта 2009 г.

Программа Advanced Submitter

Advancedsubmitter- инструмент который позволяет вам добавить ваш веб-сайт в основные поисковики и каталоги.
Пусть простят меня читатели,но сегодня мне лень переводить описание этой программы полностью.
Main Features
Duplicate Galleries
AdvancedSubmitter can duplicate an initial gallery and add to each created file the needed reciprocals. You can customize how reciprocals will be placed, their amount, the duplicated gallery names, you can add your own reciprocal to all galleries and a lot more. There is no combination that cannot be achieved!
Multiple Real Internal Browsers
AdvancedSubmitter is a "real mode" submitter. It includes a user specified number of internal browsers that can be used for direct galleries submitting.
Auto Form Filling Using Artificial Intelligence Tools
The program will autofill the forms for you. All fields can be autofilled including drop down boxes, check boxes, text areas, input boxes or file boxes. Smart category selecting will select the most appropriate category for your submissions. AdvancedSubmitter will make sure that your submissions are going fast and safely.
Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
AdvancedSubmitter integrates an advanced Optical Character Recognition module for automatic passphrase filling. Readherefor the OCR details.
Thumbnail builder
The program comes bundled with a flexible thumbnail builder. Select a section of an initial image together with the preferred sizes for the thumbnails and the program will create them for you at the maximum possible quality with just a click of a button!
Semi-auto and complete auto submit modes
Although AdvancedSubmitter is built to help you increase the manual submission speed it can also be used to autosubmit. You may select the sites that should be autosubmitted and you can watch in real time how the submission process progress.
Internal Email Verifier
AdvancedSubmitter includes a flexible email verifier. This tool downloads confirmation emails and autovisit the required confirm urls saving you loads of time.
Integrated Email Submissions
Many sites require to mail a submission instead of filling a form. AdvancedSubmitter simplify this process by allowing you to create templates for email submissions and autofilling these templates with gallery data. Another great time saver!
Integrated Database
The integrated database allows you to add new sites or modify existing ones. You may also organize sites into separate submission types and combine them to active submissions as needs. The database allows you to add or change filling rules as well. The whole process is easy and flexible allowing you to customize your submission process the way you prefer!
Keep track of your traffic
AdvancedSubmitter includes a traffic reporting tool that can be integrated with your submissions. This tool allows you to track the traffic source and optimize your submissions accordingly(offered through an additional registration)
A range of added value tools
You can find a whole range of added value tools included to the program. The best way to get acquainted with them is to download the free version and play with it. A small list includes an easy way to save and load a submission state (use this tool to continue a submission from a given point or for resubmitting in a later time), easy ways to import/export database data, tools to block pop-ups or auto-scroll to the exact form position, methods to duplicate galleries for link-list submissions (one gallery per directory) and a lot more.
Database Updating Service and Statistics Service
Make your life with the program even better with the database updates and the integrated statistics. Database updates allow you to download fresh, often updated databases and the statistics service let you track your galleries traffic from inside the program.
скачать Advanced Submitter - www.advancedsubmitter.com/download.htm

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